I'm 15 years old
5'1 tall and 147 pounds.
Sometimes pplz will teaze me and call me a fatazz or wideload or obese or bear or whale or sumo but my momma says its just baby fat nd it will go away. Is it just baby fat or am I really a little chunky?
i wish i was ur size im 15 and im 5,2 and i weigh 81 pounds u know how much i want to gain weight its so emmbarssing when i go to the mall with my frineds im the only one whos shops in the children section they all go to misses or juniors and cause im flat chested NOTHING looks good on me
and NO ur not over weight i have a relaitive the 4,7 and shes 12 and she weighs 162 so yea i think ur really normal a normal teen should be above 100 and below 150 so maybe if u just lost like 5-10 pounds u would be in great shape and remember u shouldnt care about what people think because u should feel proud about they way god made u. nobocy is alike we are all different in every certain way. remember just think of the ppl who make fun of u as lowlifes who have nothing better to do in life than to pick on u i get picked on because im the smallest in the 10th grade but that doesnt bother me cause im proud of the way i look and u should be too.
take care and dont let words hurts because sticks and stones may break ur bones but not the stupid trash talk ppl say cause that doesnt hurt u phsically
ps: dont think i weight 81 pounds cuz i lost the weight no its because i have a very fas metabolism i wish it wasnt SO fast the doctor says i gain a pound evry year! can u believe it 1 pound every year that sucks
remember be grateful
you might be a lil bit but not alot its ok . how much you wiegh doesnt really matter just live life and love it
i dont think you are at all.
im 5'3 and 145.
everyone is completely different.
Sorry to say but it is not baby fat because you are 15 and not a baby. Just exercise, drink lots of water, eat small meals throughout the day, and eat nutritional food. If that does not work go to Dr's and have some tests done, you might have a disorder.
well I am 12 5'3 and 103 pounds. I am not making fun of you. I would just go to your doctor and think of some fun healthy eating habits. good luck!
i think its just baby fat and when you get taller it'll even out.
But you can go to the link above and look.
You're a bit overweight. You could benefit your health from losing about 10 or 15 pounds.
A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 25. Yours is about 27.8
At 15, there's a good chance it isn't just baby fat. Cut down on fatty foods, and exercise.
I hate answering questions like this, but I'll be totally honest. Most, if not all, baby fat disappears after you hit puberty. At your height, you're considered overweight. A healthy weight would be between 100-130lb. at around 18-24% body fat.
I am 14 and 5'6 and 135 pounds and i am right on the border line you aren't fat but you could loose a few pounds don't worry your body is still not fully developed just eat right and exercise you should be fine...try doing volleybal...it gives you a good work out
hope this helped
have a great day : )
Your Mom loves you no matter what you look like, no matter what you do. That sounds like a good person to talk to.
My Mom was told my sister would grow out of the baby fat too, she never did and now she is in the struggle of her life with diabetes.
At 15 you are way past "baby fat". I think if you tell your Mom that you are not at a healthy weight and want her to help, or take you to your doctor for help, she will be supportive. You may have to put your foot down to get her to see a person who is chubby - not her baby-girl.
Start some research on your own, Go to MyPyramid.gov for a healthy food guide.
Lower your calorie count to 1200 to 1300 per day (3 well balanced meals and 2 well balanced snacks)
Exercise! power walk for 10 to 20 minutes within 2 hours after meals. Work up to 5 hours a week of sweat producing movement.
ok, i'm 15 too, %26 i'm 5'2" %26 about 143pounds. i've got curves, %26 i'm proud of them. =). you might be a little chunky, but if you're happy, then i think that's just fine. i've been told i'm built like a brick sh*t house, but also (this by my doctor) that i need to loose 10 pounds. so, i think it's however you want to look.
I'm sorry but the ppl answering this are so judgemental sometimes. 147 pounds may be "obese" to some people but its not like you weigh 300 pounds or something. You arnt in desperate need of weight loss, but being the most healthy that you can be is good. If 147 pounds is obese then most people are screwed. Honestly not everyone can be weigh 100 pounds, most adults who weigh that little are just as unhealthy as those who weigh more then they should. Dont fall into that, just try to be what is normal for you body type, not someone elses.
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