Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Am I too skinny?! ---Please HELP!?

I am 5'4 and in the 8th grade but i only weigh 84 pounds. All my friends say that I am anerexic but i eat! How should I gain weight? I excercise a lot so i am healthy. I don't know what to do please help!
Its just the way your body stores fat, its not because you don't eat, as long as you are healthy its fine
too some maybe. but to yourself is the only thing that matters. some ppl would kill to be that skinny and be healthy not having to starve themselfves. you are kind of tall for your age so you have potential to become a model
Try to eat more high protein, high calorie foods: meat, milk, bread. Not junk food. Maybe cut back the exercise: no more than 30 min to 1 hour a day.
If you're concerned, talk to your school nurse or ask a doctor. You may just have very high metabolism. At least then you can tell your friends that the dr. says you're OK.
Wow, you're really skinny! You will probably put on weight as you get older, especially if you haven't gone through puberty yet (which I'm guessing is possible since being underweight tends to delay it), but if you're concerned now then you can probably gain weight by eating healthy things that are high in calories, like whole grains, nuts, dried fruit, etc. Good luck!
The scale used to determine whether someone is over or under weight is called the Body Mass Index or BMI. Doctors usually like for women's BMI to be between 19 and 24. I used a BMI calculator to figure out yours and it came to 14.6. This shows you are under weight. If you are concerned see your doctor. If they feel there are any issues they can help you set a diet plan to help you gain some weight if necessary.
that is a bit skinny, but you will probably start to fill out as you develop more. keep up the exercising, it is good for you. if your terribly disturbed about it, perhaps you should try weight gainer powder from nutrition stores. they will add up to 1000 calories to your daily intake per shake (which is half of most peoples daily allowance). peanut butter is also good for putting on weight-high calories and protein in a small amount of food.
Don't worry. Your metabolism is fast now. it will slow down with age and then you'll want it back! I was the same. very skinny until about age 16 I gained weight and developed very quickly. As long as you are eating healthy, you should be fine. It is only a problem if you are not eating enough.
Don't worry at all. When I was 5'4 I was like 80lbs, but I was like in the 6th grade. Everyone was always calling me skinny/anorexic I just had to deal with it because I already ate soo much. Now I am 5'6 and 100lbs, I am still skinny, but I can't really do anything. Most of my friends want to be skinny, so they sometimes get jealous. I am 14 yrs old too. Don't gain weight, you will naturally gain weight as you get older.
You are dangeresly underweight! You need help fast. Talk to your doctor for some help.
Ironic-My name is Jessica and I have the same problem! Well, Had.

I'm still very skinny, but my body is now proportional. Being skinny is genetic for me, and it sounds like it is for you too.

The best thing to do is to remain healthy-Follow the food triangle! Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, Eat plenty of starches, fruits, veggies, along with a little greasy foods or sweets.

Make sure you're etaing 3 good meals a day. if you get hungry and want a snack, eat something like some nuts, some peanut butter on a slice of bread, or maybe an apple with some peanut butter. Most importantly-Make sure you eat at LEAST 2,000 calories a day. Carbs are also important for energy, so make sure you get plenty of those.

Print out a Food Pyramid-Like this one


And carry it with you where ever you go, or simply write down the servings, and carry a small pocket sized notebook with a pen, and write down what you eat and beside each thing, write down the servings of each thing.

For example-for a peanut butter%26Jelly sandwich you would write-

peanut butter%26Jelly sandwich- 2 servings starch, 1 serving fruit-1 serving protein

It's that simple :D Good luck-and remember, the key to gain healthy weight is to remain healthy :D

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