Saturday, October 24, 2009

After having my baby.?

9 months ago, im still suffering from excruiating lower back, and abdominal pain. ive been to my doctors countless times, and they cant suggest anything. Ive also had an internal examination which was unbearably painful. 6 months ago i had to have a colposcopy as had cancerous cells.
what do you suggest?

its taken a lot of guts to ask this online so please no stupid answers.
Hun, tell your doctor you want a referal to a gyno. Tell him don't ask him, they should have done that anyway because of the +cells, When I had my first baby I had pretty much the same pains as you, they sent me to a gyno %26 discovered I had a 'tilted' womb, thankfully it was a pretty straightforward minor op %26 the pain was almost imediately gone.
Good luck %26 be positive
I really have no suggestions other than perhaps getting a second opinion from another doctor.
The thing about seeing doctors is that unless you insist they refer you to a specialist they will often try and fob you off.
make an appointment at your family planning clinic to see the consultant. The consultant I saw at my family planning clinic was excellent and she also did my colposcopy. If you're in pain then it needs sorting.
hi hun i suggest you keep on at your doc until something is done.its too easy for them to sit there and pat your hand and say there there dear its nothing but to you its is something.
also its worth mentioning to your health visitor as she may be able to contact the doc on your behalf to raise the concerns.
and your midwife as they are suppose to care not just for baby but for mum as well.
hope this is of some help and i hope you feel better soon
well i had this problem it lasted about 3 or 4 months...doctors told me that i carried my baby very deep and because i was small figured it didn't help...they said every body's body heals differently then others from pregnancy...its a massive strain on your body and it can take time to heal...hang in there
Please rush to an oncologist with
your report of colonoscopy.
Delaying will aggrevate the position.
There are four stages of cancer if any.
If one is in first stage, there is a likelihood
of curing with Gemox or Tarceva.
The oncology has to do other tests as
to know wherefrom the cancer started.
It is important for him.
First, be bold and nothing will happen to you.
If you are in Hyderabad, you may visit
Indo American Cancer Hospital and
resarch Centre, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
Dr. Krishna Vamshi, Dr. PS. Dattatreya will
take care of you. They are very friendly
will never put fear into you.
If you are in Chennai, Adayar Cancer Hospital,
Adayar, Chennai is the best.

maybe you should see a different doctor and get a second opinion. they never do anything unless you insist that they take action.

hope you get better soon.

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