Saturday, October 24, 2009


I have really really bad cramps what can I do to make them go away or at least sooth them??
Take a warm bath, drink loads of water, or get a heating pad and put it right where your cramps are.
take a pill. advil might work
heating pads help
Take some motrin, grab some chocolate and a heating pad and watch some Lifetime.
BANANAS help!! Eat a couple, it should help
Take some tylenol or pamprin, lay down on your stomach and get some rest. If it gets worse call your physician, there are some prescription meds they can give you if you have really bad PMS symptoms.
I get really bad what I do is I take a midol and a coffee. I think it says not to mix those two together but thats what makes them go away for me. :) trust me. You'll feel so much better after.
My roommate swears by red raspberries. It's supposed to be the best natural remedy.
Advil works great - or if your pain is more severe, try naproxen sodium (Alleve). The earlier you take a painkiller - like at the FIRST sign of your period - the less pain you will have.
i know it doesn't make sense but if you exercise then it actually dulls the cramping...i cant remember where i read it and im not much on exercise so i clean and dance around some and it's really helped me alot.. also chocolate supposedly (read along time ago... may be proved differently now) will help... because of the endorphins in it? i think it said... other than that... I personally take a hot bath with my cup of coffee and a book to relax it usually works for me...
for my cramps I always take advil befor they start to lead them off. and I'm good.
I used to get really bad cramps n my mother-in-law would give me "manzanilla" which is chamomile tea n i would put a heat pack on my lower abdominal area. It helped me a lot, hope it helps u!

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