Saturday, October 24, 2009

AGH! MORE CRAMPS! [period]?

im miserable. whatta i do? HELP MEEEEEE my lower stomach hurts so bad! agh! i cant take it! MIDOL DOES NOT WORK! i cant think straight. someone pleaseplease help. and im 12! i get diarhea it hurts so bad
You poor girl. I used to have the same problem when I was younger. My periods were so bad that I missed school and work and couldn't even get out of bed. I had diarrhea, leg cramps, back cramps, stomach cramps, headaches. If you were older I would suggest getting on birth control. After I got on the pill my periods were much better. I hardly had any cramps at all and my periods only lasted a few days instead of a week. But since you're twelve, try this: take 2 Pamprin first thing in the morning before you start getting cramps. Aleve is also pretty good for cramps. At home, get a heating pad and watch tv or something while it's on your stomach. A hot bath will also help relax your uterus. If nothing works and you're still miserable, see if your mom, or mom-figure will take you to the dr. they can prescribe you something specifically to help you with your pain. When you;re on your period try not to drink caffeine because it can aggravate the pain. I hope this helps you sweetie. Good luck.
you may have endo. You should talk to your mom and get checked out by a gyno. It may seem embarrassing, but it may save you a lot of pain to get it checked out. I have taken birth control pills to help my cramping. I wish I had gotton help when I was a teenager, I missed alot of school because of cramping.
In this situation, u must rush to the ER. Good luck!
Hi Sarah, I answered your previous question on cramps if that will help any.
My guess is that you have Primary dysmenorrhea.

Here's the link;

Rub your tummy and put a hot water bottle on it, and have a good lay down on your bed.
sounds like me when i was your age. I went to the gyno when I was 12, cramps from the very first period. They put me on birth control pills, it helps. Tell your mom to bring you. I've lost jobs and missed alot of school because of cramps and the only thing that help was Ortho-Tricyclen, you can even get a low dosage. Good Luck!!, I remember those days, and it sucks, I feel for you.
Rush to the ER oh please. Cramps are normal so is diarrhea. I used to get cramps midol helped some you could try Advil or Tylenol. Try and heating pad if all else fails ask your Mom to take you to the doctor maybe he or she can prescribe something stronger for the pain. What is happening to you is normal I promise.
You are to young for endometriosis. I just answered a similar question like this. MY best friend used to pass out because the cramps were so bad. Back then, there was nothing except Midol which didn't help her either..Now even male MD are more compassionate toward women with this problem. Ask your mom to take you to a female GYN. She will be more understanding of your problem and there are mild pain meds for people like you. Please don't wait. We have all been through it, not as bad as you perhaps, i know I was, but you will find your not alone, Many many women go through this, please, see a MD. Your mom should know about this as soon as possible. By the way, endometriosis usually occurs in women 37 yrs and older...This is the average age. I was that age when I got it so bad, I had a hysterectomy. This is what my Nursing Dictionary says. "Cramps, called dysmenorrhea, occurs typically in lower abdomen or back and is crampy, coming in successive waves caused by intense uterine contractions. Pain usually begins just prior to or at the onset of menstrual flow and lasts up to a day or more, but it may persist through the entire period in a few women. Pain is associated with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea with intestinal cramping"
So it seems you really need to see an MD. Good luck
Oh how I remember the horrible pain month after month from my period. I missed alot of school and work, something many didn't understand but it looks like others on here have gone through the same thing I did. My heart goes out to you.

Midol never helped me so I started using Premsyn which not only helped some with the cramps but it also helped to get rid of that "blue" feeling that would hit every month. You must start taking them two or three days BEFORE you are due to start for it to work efficiently, though.

Another thing that may help some is to exercise right before you are going to start. That helps to stretch the muscles before they have much chance to contract alot and it also builds up testosterone in your system which helps to lower the pain.

The main thing that helped me was heat. Get a heating pad and with the setting on low, curl up on your side with a blanket over you and go to sleep. By relaxing as you rest and letting the heat work on your abdomen, it will help to eliminate the pain.

You also want to limit salt and caffeine intake about a week before you start because both can add to your problems. Stay away from aspirin because it will thin your blood and make your blood watery and it will be harder to control accidents (or so I found after a couple of accidents in high school).

I also think you are too young to have endometriosis since your body hasn't had time to develop those problems yet and even though birth control can help with this, I wouldn't be too quick to start on those at your young age.

Birth control or any other synthetic drug can cause damage to your body, especially if taken for a long period of time so try to handle the pain by following the above steps until you get older.

No need to go to the ER unless you are hemorrhaging. This is a part of being female and we've all gone through it at one time or another. You might have your mother take you to a GYN and see about pain pills that you take the beginning of your period.

My first day was always the worst then I leveled out after that and the other days were tolerable. But when I got older, the cramps went two and three days at a time ~ that's when you may have endometriosis or fibroid tumors but if you go to your GYN regularly, those are things you can stay on top of so don't neglect your yearly checkups with the doctor.

And a bit of advice from my mother to share with you. Most likely, when you have your first child, the cramps will go away because the muscles and uterus will have been stretched from carrying the child. It did for her.

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